Sunday, October 29, 2017

Scope and closures

In functional programming, values are bound to names. But how are names resolved? The main strategies are lexical scope and dynamic scope. Stallman writes some sections on why Emacs Lisp has dynamic scope (now extended to support lexical scope as well). But of course the two strategies are not mutually incompatible; Vesta supports both dynamic and static scoping, with dynamic as the fallback for static. (PDF page 27)  Dynamic scoping is limited to function blocks with ... in the argument list, but at least it's there. Such a feature would be quite useful in Nixpkgs, where packages are repeated twice, first in the formal parameters and second in the actual dependencies, although a version of that syntax was considered and rejected due to being too slow to execute. Vesta and Nix share much in common though; Vesta's runtool is very similar to Nix's derivation, although Nix uses cryptographic hashes and Vesta uses virtual filesystems.

In more formal terms, we may classify scoping as resolving a name along two dimensions, its semantically enclosing environment (stack frames or dynamic scope), and its syntactically enclosing environment, its AST tree or lexical scope. A filtering function selects from the possible environments and can produce an error or the proper resolution of the name.

Despite the name, dynamic scoping is not incompatible with static typing; a syntactic analysis of which names resolve where is easy, and whatever names remain unresolved can be resolved dynamically.

But the question of how environments/scopes are implemented is not trivial; a paper I read but lost lists many strategies, with choices such as heap-allocated vs stack-allocated, callee-saved vs caller-saved, and ordering of the frame layout. Given the choices, it seems foolish to lock oneself into a particular strategy, at least at a low level.

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