Saturday, October 2, 2010

Software VC

Since software is change, it stands to reason that good software should have lots of change, right? It should be easy to change, fun to change, quick to change, etc.

The current method of software distribution, namely binary executables, is not that good a format then. Neither is text, since you can't run it. So something else must be devised... a distributed environment? a serialization format for objects over the network? I have no idea, yet. But commit logs are pretty useful; something like that format would be cool.


  1. So wrong. Source text can be run in any decent language environment such as Lisp and Smalltalk.

  2. But where do you get the language environment? It doesn't appear by magic. And since very little software is perfect, how do you distribute updates to the language environment?

    My current idea: self-compiling executables
